The Wireless Hotspot – 5 Reasons Restaurants Should Offer Free Wireless Access

The wireless hotspot resides in restaurants and the trend is rapidly spreading throughout the country. Coffee shops, delis, cafes, and restaurants have begun to invest in the infrastructure required to offer their customers free wireless access. Many restaurant owners have made the decision to transform to an Internet cafe, because their customers have requested the service. Others look at their competition and realize that not providing free Wi-Fi might make them vulnerable within their market.
Most consumers, including those who visit your restaurant or cafe, are relying upon the internet for larger segments of their lives. Some are starting businesses. Others depend on online access to communicate with their friends and family. Still others consume most of their entertainment online. Wireless hotspots draw these people in and encourage them to become loyal customers: life-long patrons of the ecafe. Here are five reasons restaurants, cafes, and other eateries should integrate wireless hotspots into their facilities.
#1 – Entrepreneurs Follow Wireless Access
Millions of people have created online businesses over the past decade. At the same time, a growing number of consumers are retiring their desktop computers and replacing them with laptops. This gives them instant portability. You’ll notice these entrepreneurs hunched in front of their laptops, operating their businesses. They follow wireless hotspots. It’s not uncommon to see them in places that offer coffee, Wi-Fi, and good breakfast, lunch or even dinner with free wireless access . Or, you might see them enjoying coffee while using the computers in an internet cafe. Restaurants that offer wireless hotspots quickly become favorite places for these entrepreneurs. The wireless hotspot has become the new business meeting place.
#2 – Wireless Hotspot Increase Sales
When cafe Wi-Fi and wireless hotspots first became popular draws, restaurants owners were concerned their sales would slump if they offered the service. They were understandably worried that people would visit their establishments, buy a low-priced item, and stay for the entire day. Many business owners discovered something entirely different occurred.
Sales increased as customers camped out and returned to the register to buy over and over. Traffic swelled as people noticed large crowds within certain facilities; restaurants owners have known for decades that popularity builds upon itself. Many who were once concerned about using free wireless turned to them as a powerful marketing strategy and competitive advantage.
#3 – Improved Customer Loyalty With Free Wireless Access
Banking institutions offer multiple products to encourage deeper customer loyalty. In effect, the more reasons a customer has to stay, the less likely a customer will migrate to a competitor. In the same manner, restaurant owners who integrate wireless hotspots into their establishments provide their customers with an additional reason to visit. Keep in mind, most people stick to their favorite places to eat and relax. By offering them multiple reasons to come, you’ll strengthen their loyalty to your business.
#4 -Internet Cafes Boost Competitiveness
Cafe Wi-Fi and offering consumers a wireless hotspot are gradually becoming a necessity for many coffee shops and restaurants. Without it, they are finding it more difficult to compete against the behemoths within their market. For example, in early 2008, Starbucks began offering free Wi-Fi to their customers, essentially becoming an internet cafe. McDonalds did the same. Other restaurants and coffee shops are following suit in order to remain competitive.
#5 – Wireless Hotspots Cater To the “New” Employee
Long ago, employees would arrive at the office in the early morning and remain there until evening. Many of them even took lunches at their desks. Times have changed. An increasing number of people are enjoying the convenience of telecommuting. Armed only with a laptop, they can perform their jobs from any facility that provides free Wi-Fi access. Their first choice is often coffee shops and restaurants that offer wireless hotspots. They can fulfill their job-related responsibilities while enjoying time outside the office and home.
As the economic climate grows darker, more people will likely lose their jobs. Many of them will start their own businesses which they’ll manage online. Others will simply look for places to sit and enjoy a bite or a cup of coffee. These people are likely to gravitate toward restaurants that offer free wireless access. Restaurant owners who provide this benefit within their facilities may discover their traffic and sales increase as a result.
There are many reasons which should motivate restaurants to consider integrating wireless hotspots. People are spending a greater number of hours online than ever. Coax them to spend those hours within your restaurant by enjoying good food, coffee, and free Wi-Fi.