Top 10 Competitive Advantages Of React JS Development

Having fronted frameworks, feature-rich modules and libraries are essential in web development. Moreover, as the web front-end is changing fastest, new versions and updates are launching to meet the new requirements. Therefore, using libraries has become critical for creating high-responsive webpages and applications and ReactJS is one of the bestseller tools for this purpose.

Designed by Facebook, ReactJS is a declarative, competent, and component-based flexible open-source JavaScript library. It’s used to build fast, easy, and scalable front-end development and Single Page Applications (SPA) for highly performant solutions. ReactJS development has helped many companies achieve the toughest challenges like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Uber, Atlassian, etc.

ReactJS is widely used mainly because of its faster loading time, reusability, cross-platform support and ability to generate UI essentials quickly. Whether you’re building a new mobile app or an entire website, ReactJS has much more to offer. Here’re the top ten competitive advantages of React JS development.

10 Competitive Advantages of ReactJS Development

  1.     Fastest Learning Curve

React has an adaptive and lightweight JavaScript library that works on the view layer only. Hence, it’s pretty simple to learn. If you have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, then with a couple of tutorials, you can develop a web application. In short, React is an easy option to adapt and develop web applications.

  1.     Increase Productivity

ReactJS is not only useful for developing high-quality apps but also for increasing developers’ productivity. React Native is an app development framework that boosts mobile app development and simplifies it.

Additionally, it gives you the freedom to choose a code editor of your choice to make the work easier. React also optimizes the performance by keeping component state local at its required place, memorizing its component to stop unwanted re-renders and sharing codes to allow you to build more apps.

  1.     Boost SEO Visibility

If you own a business website and it doesn’t rank up on Google, then you don’t have any successful results. Henceforth, all businesses work hard on Search Engine Optimization to get more exposure and rank higher. In such cases, ReactJS can help with boosting the visibility of your sites on the search engines.

It’s important to note that rendering time and page loading time add a significant value to your website ranking. As ReactJS has faster rendering than other frameworks, it can slow down the page loading time and thus, enhance the app or website’s position on the search engines.

From a website’s point of view, this feature is extremely crucial, so a React JS development company needs to enlist this framework. It makes the company’s pages and websites more readable and improves performance.

  1. Reusable Components

One of the main advantages of ReactJS development is that React developers can instantly get their base code established by using the existing components. So, they can build the necessary modules quickly and work with unique features.

Its reusability factor allows you to begin with small components and proceed to larger ones. Thus, you’ll develop a component-based structure.

The best part is the components don’t get assembled with each other. So, any change in one component doesn’t affect the others. Furthermore, you can use them on any platform, which will save your time so you can focus on optimizing the app/website’s performance.

  1. Mobile-centric Approach

React Native works as a cross-platform mobile application development framework. That means it not only develops websites but also works best with mobile apps developments. One of the biggest benefits of React JS development in the app is that developers integrate all React features like reusability, portability, modular architecture and an open-source ecosystem in it.

  1. Quick Rendering With Virtual DOM

An app’s performance is based on the structure it’s built on. If you want to create a featured-rich app, it is one of the major factors you need to check out. However, while talking about ReactJS, it utilizes virtual DOM for the components, allowing you to create apps without considering state transitions.

Virtual DOM is basically a programming concept where a virtual representation of user experience is put in memory and then synced with real DOM using ReactDOM. ReactDOM creates the needed updates and renders them to the real DOM without the interference of app developers.

  1. Stability

ReactJS has a more stable core than any other framework. Whatever you do a modification in the child structure, the main parent structure stays unaffected. Therefore, as a ReactJS developer, when you modify an object, you only need to alter the state, make adjustments and then only proceed with the updates. This structure is responsible for code stability and better app functionality.

  1. Seamless User Experience

React works similar to mobile apps that provide a user experience of a webpage. Google prefers websites that load faster and ensure a better user experience. These factors help the site rank higher.

You’ll also get a huge benefit over the competitors who have normal websites. Your audience will have a better user experience while navigating your site.

  1. Speed Up Development

Most businesses look for technologies that can finish a project within a given time and budget. ReactJS is the ideal choice in this case. With the ability to reuse components and a large range of libraries, it helps the developers to build and maintain the app or website operation that provides consistent performance. 

  1. Extensive Range of Toolsets

Another competitive advantage of ReactJS development that helps you select this JavaScript is its user-friendliness. It has an extensive range of libraries consisting of excellent toolsets for mobile and app developers. The most used tools are React Developer Tool and Redux Developer Tool.

React Developer Tool helps to recognize the child and parent components, while the Redux Developer Tool is responsible for identifying dispatched actions, changes in the components etc.


Considering these top ten advantages of ReactJS, it has great potential in the mobile and web app development field. With this, it’s easy to build high-performing apps without creating multiple codes. Not to mention, the high loading speed and rendering time are also important aspects of building apps. So, if you’re planning to design an app professionally, ReactJS can take the business to the next level.