Is AI a Death Sentence for Traditional Computer Repair?

Nowadays, it seems like AI is everywhere. 

Spurned by machine learning advancements, it is the dominant trend in global computing. A base manufacturing and algorithmic processing movement, if you will. Responsible for begetting the increasing refinement in computer repair shop software. Geared towards rendering the ‘human’ obsolete in every affair.

But wait.

Is this last, harsh statement really true?

Does the machine truly represent a danger to human agency and interment?

Forcing the development of an exclusive province – where only the ‘bot’ holds sway?

Well, as an experienced computer repair tech, I think not! 

And based on my current understanding of the field, I would posit a more nuanced approach:

AI in software can be incredibly facilitative or complementary to human effort. Or it can be negatively disruptive. It totally depends on how it’s wrought by the executive agent. 

Hear Me Out as I Explain My Case

Now workers who rely squarely on machine automation risk the latter occurrence. Creatives who are always engaged in discovering innovative, out-of-the-box, workflow solutions are safe. Their field employability comes relatively assured – because they think.

In simpler words, humans still call all the shots in the affair. But they also stand the chance of becoming dispensable if they become complacent.

Now, coming to computer repair, the input of the sentient tech is non-negotiable. Because there are many situations that even the best repair shop software cannot fix. The kinds of commercial scenarios that pertain to the day-to-day. Occupations that are immune to a repetitive/predictable variety of process mechanization.

On this latter front, I think no repair example comes close to micro-soldering board fixes.

Here, the charged tech has to rely more on their salvaging creativity than tools to get the job done. These kinds of guilded occupations/operations almost never proceed in a straightforward manner. They are beset, as it were, by novel callings for ‘changed’ repairs at every turn.

A need for constant evolution that no mechanization can currently distill. 

Logical Fallacy Much?

Most, if not all, programmed interfaces are constrained by the binds of formal logic. The step-by-step ‘defined cause leads to defined result’ form of loop understanding. A contemplative track where straying off the beaten path causes a comprehension lapse. Rifts that the machine is unable, at present, to surmount.

This is where the human agent shines in her full glory. 

Embracing Possibility – the Way Forward

In any final assessment, the willingness of the human agent to work with AI determines its scope. This ‘embracing’ disposition is a guarantor of comfortable progress. The development of both man and machine working within their defined loci. 

AI, for one, is modeled on higher-order, mammalian neural pathways. Its workings flow in defining causation; like an exercise in Socratic dialogue. The end result of its instigations is conceptual delineation. The point where a proper understanding is enshrined in the thinker’s psyche. 

Its limitation, as accounted for above, is inherent to its design arrangement. Anything that goes off-track from this selected route is considered inadmissible.

Machine learning makes for the underlying, adaptive mechanism of this framework. Like sentient (homeostatic) adaptation processes, it continually seeks greater learning. Its follow-up mechanisms cultivate these insights, linking them semantically for plausibility. This results in a cognitive mesh of neural circuitry; a ‘lens’, if you will, to interpret the world in a certain way. 

These adaptive mechanisms, of course, grow more refined with practice. They allow for quicker cognitive permutations for knowledge introspection. 

With computer repair shop software, any framework that models this approach is ‘prescient’. The type of application access that you want to get – motivated, as it is, to yield greater productivity.

Hollywood Catastrophes Come Greatly Exaggerated

Consider Hollywood. 

One of the most influential platforms for cultural:

  • creation, 
  • rejuvenation, 
  • and dismissal, 

Hollywood has a tendency to imbue all field discussions with a measure of hyperbole. 

Take the Terminator Films Franchise, for instance. A series that depicts AI in extremely negative, apocalyptic terms.

Real-life, by contrast, faces no such threat from the machine consortium. The latter operates, in fact, under the sway of the human agent. And even with greater machine learning superiority, this trend will only entrench further.

Now, I don’t like to digress, but this juncture brings a particular incident to mind. 

An eerie occurrence that featured my shop’s POS software in a scandalous downturn. Where it told me to embrace robots for collecting and recording monetary transactions.

Now, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would have railed against the machine for this infarction. But since I distinguish fact from romantic fiction, I was quick to respond with a cheeky grin. 

So there you have it. 

My informed take on whether our latter-day repair tech:

  • Should go the way of doom (in the face of the inevitable), or 
  • Hope

But I’m curious.

How do you see this issue developing?

Care to communicate your thoughts?

I’m always open to a refresher!