Learn best practices for ranking on Google

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting your website and content to show up on Google’s first page. Not only is it a lucrative job on its own, but it’s a skill every marketer should have.

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Whether you’re in marketing, a business owner, or consider yourself inherently tech-savvy, you’ve probably heard the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization) bounced around quite a bit lately — and for good reason. Search engine ranking can be one of the most important factors when it comes to a business succeeding in the digital age.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It’s the practice of strategizing the content and keywords on a web page and site in order to help it rank on Google, thus driving organic traffic to a website or digital storefront. Modern SEO isn’t about tricking search engine algorithms — it’s about the opposite: delivering the exact content a user is searching for and making the user happy.

Why is it important for you to learn it?

Whether you’re running a business or you’re a content creator, more visitors to your website usually equals more money, be it through business opportunities, revenue dollars, or new customers. Without knowing proper SEO best practices, becoming a top-ranking website on Google can be nearly impossible, which, in the digital era, can be a huge mistake for up-and-coming businesses hoping to catch the attention of new clients or customers.

Learning proper SEO best practices can also be a huge asset for anyone working in the digital landscape, regardless of your past experiences or job titles. The demand for SEO specialists has skyrocketed over the years, with some earning salaries well into six figures, making it a highly in-demand skill to be able to confidently add to your résumé.

What to keep in mind when selecting a course:

  • Length of course: How long do you want to commit to your studies? Would you rather learn from a bootcamp-style course or something that’s slow and comprehensive? Courses range from a couple of hours total time to weeks in length, so choose your course length accordingly.

  • Skills covered: What are your motives behind learning SEO? Do you want your local business WordPress page to rank? Are you hoping to learn general SEO skills to add a modern appeal to your résumé? Courses can range from a general introduction to more drilled-down, niche subject matter that may not appeal to all learners.

  • Type of course: Are you looking for something you can pick up and study whenever you have a free moment or do you want an instructor and fellow students to talk course material with? Certain courses foster a sense of community by offering access to your instructor and peers, which can be a huge help if you’re someone who prefers group study.

Now that you’re primed on why SEO courses are a great skill for anyone to learn and what to look for when selecting a course, here are some of the top SEO online courses available. Ranging from university-level classes to quick and easy introductory courses, enrolling in one of these expert-led classes may be the best way to boost your business or help bring your résumé into the digital age.

Many options for specific niches • Includes certifications • Reputable SEO company

Ready to learn the ins and outs of SEO from a brand that specializes in it? SEMRush Academy courses are designed to be both practical and easy to put to use immediately.

SEMRush Academy SEO Toolkit Course

Ready to learn the ins and outs of SEO from a brand that specializes in it? SEMRush Academy courses are designed to be both practical and easy to put to use immediately.

  • Length of course:
    14 lessons, three hours total
  • Skills covered:
    Organic research, backlinks, and reading traffic insights
  • Price:

SEMRush has been in the business of search engine optimization for over ten years, making it one of the most reliable sources for learning the ins and outs of SEO.
While there are endless options when it comes to SEO online courses, SEMRush is widely regarded as one of the best in the business. The leading company in SEO software, SEMRush has been recognized by the search community across the globe, making it one of the best brands to learn from. The acclaimed courses are free of charge, yet their offerings are anything but cheap. Here, you’ll have access to all the core disciplines of digital marketing, as designated by field experts, including how to conduct organic keyword research, the importance of backlinks, reading traffic analytics, and other important skills to master.

Easy to follow • Lots of additional resources • Comes with a certificate of completion

The instructor isn’t always able to answer questions

Looking for a comprehensive course that won’t overwhelm? This WordPress-specific course was made for beginners hoping to learn the ins and outs of SEO in one course.

SEO 2020: Complete SEO Training + SEO for WordPress Websites

This WordPress-specific course was made for beginners hoping to learn the ins and outs of SEO in one course.

  • Length of course:
    10 hours of on-demand video
  • Skills covered:
    Technical SEO factors, learn to do organic research, SEO myths
  • Price:
    $94.99, but Udemy courses are frequently on sale

The SEO 2020: Complete SEO Training + SEO for WordPress Websites course was designed for business owners and content creators who want to improve their WordPress website’s chance of ranking highly on search engine pages.
With over 10,000 positive reviews on Udemy, the SEO 2020 course is a safe bet for anyone looking for comprehensive SEO training with minimal background knowledge or experience. Taught by Arun Nagarathanam, an SEO, WordPress, and digital art specialist, this beginner training walks students through all 50 SEO factors and the practical knowledge needed to reach the top spot on Google search—including demystifying backlinks, page speed optimization, and conducting keyword research.

Includes history of SEO • Engaging lessons

Classes feel slightly disorganized

If you’re someone who prefers to know the backstory before trying to grasp best practices, you’ll love the history and skillset outlined in this theory-based class.

Introduction to Search Engine Optimization

If you’re someone who prefers to know the backstory before trying to grasp best practices, you’ll love the history outlined in this theory-based class.

  • Length of course:
    Four weeks, 20 hours total
  • Skills covered:
    Current SEO best practices, history/theory of SEO
  • Price:
    $49/month after seven-day free trial

This course will help you understand the ins and outs of SEO, including how it started, current best practices, and where search engine optimization will go from here.
Always wondered where and how SEO became so crucial to online businesses? This theoretical course (in partnership with the University of California, Davis) explores the history of search engine optimization to help you really understand the concept, beyond the best practices. You’ll learn the theory behind Google search, search engine algorithms, and the future of the industry, all while learning practical, real-world skills that you’ll immediately be able to translate into your own digital day-to-day.
Coursera reviewer “AP” particularly liked the well-thought-out content in this introductory course, which was slightly more theoretical and engaging than other elementary SEO online courses. “The way of explaining the terms is excellent and the content is very good. I learnt many new things from this course. Going to do all the courses of this specialization. Thanks for the wonderful content.”

Easy to follow • Practical video presentations • Engaging instructor

Instructor goes quite fast

Ready to take your digital business to the next level? This SEO basics course will get you started without overwhelming or overcomplicating the basic practical skills you need to dominate your niche.

SEO Basics for Non-SEOs

This SEO basics course will get you started without overwhelming or overcomplicating the basic practical skills you need to dominate your niche.

  • Length of course:
    Eight 31-minute lessons
  • Skills covered:
    Keyword research, backlinks, high quality content creation
  • Price:
    Included with Skillshare Premium ($15/month or $99/year)
This introductory course was made for beginners with little existing knowledge of SEO who want to walk away with enough practical skills to start optimizing their business immediately. (The “non-SEOs” in the course title basically means “folks who don’t already work in the SEO field.”)
Hosted by Search Engine Marketer Kristina Kledzik, SEO Basics for Non-SEOs will teach you how to build SEO into your day-to-day website and business maintenance by learning how to structure your site so Google can read it more easily, use SEO competition to improve your own site, learn to build a network of backlinks, and other practical basics that will help ensure your website will easily be found on Google and other search engines.
“This course was perfect! Kristina is very engaging and she did an excellent job of explaining things clearly and concisely, but not oversimplifying the concepts. The projects she gives at the end of the lessons were practical, and I’m excited to apply them to my own site and see how these techniques help me going forward,” explains Skillshare reviewer Samantha Blackwood. “Her examples really clarified the concepts she was teaching, and she was never vague and never got too technical. Perfect for beginners as you’ll learn some of the most important aspects of SEO. I honestly learned more from these brief videos than I did from an entire year of school. It has also made me want to learn even more about SEO and maybe even get into the technical side of things.”
Because this is a Skillshare course, the monthly Skillshare Premium price will give you access not just to this course, but to thousands of others. 

Very accomplished instructor • Focuses on practical skills

Courses could be slightly more in-depth

This business-focused course was made to get you speaking SEO while focusing on the practical skills that will allow you to put your newfound knowledge to work immediately.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Foundations

This business-focused course was made to get you speaking SEO while focusing on the practical skills that will allow you to put your newfound knowledge to work immediately.

  • Length of course:
    10 self-guided lessons
  • Skills covered:
    SEO foundations, writing copy, keyword research
  • Price:
    Included with LinkedIn Premium Career ($29.99/month after one-month free trial)
Business-focused learners will particularly appreciate this no-nonsense course that guides learners through the practical skills needed to put SEO to use immediately.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Foundations on LinkedIn Learning will take students through the basics of SEO from a distinctly business lens. Hosted by David Booth, a Google Analytics and AdWords Certified Trainer, here you’ll learn how to implement optimization strategies and techniques, how rankings really affect businesses, and the best practices when it comes to conducting keyword research, building internal and external links, and planning a long-term SEO strategy. The course also provides a look into SEO for ecommerce, local businesses, and mobile-specific audiences.
Because this is a LinkedIn Learning course, the monthly price is part of a subscription that offers you access to thousands of business courses, many of which offer badges that you can put on your LinkedIn page. Additionally, LinkedIn Learning comes free with many LinkedIn Premium memberships, which offer even more benefits such as more visibility to potential employers. 

Qualified instructor • Includes an overview of all things business marketing

Less of an overall focus on SEO

Starting your own business? This expert-led course offers everything you need to know about digital marketing — from SEO to social media strategies.

How to Market Your Business

Starting your own business? This expert-led course offers everything you need to know about digital marketing — from SEO to social media strategies.

  • Length of course:
    192 minutes
  • Skills covered:
    email marketing, SEO basics, social media
  • Price:
    $29.99/month for Treehouse membership

Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? This general course was designed for small business owners who want to get a grasp on the basics of SEO and social media marketing to help optimize their digital presence.
Understanding the ins and outs of digital marketing can make or break a new business — whether it’s tech-related or not. Led by marketing professional Dan Gorgone, this comprehensive overview of digital marketing will help you grasp the ins and outs of SEO best practices, as well as social media and email marketing, overall user experience, and other vital aspects of operating a business presence online.
Because Treehouse is a membership platform, your monthly fee will include access to Treehouse’s library of technology-related courses, not just this one course.

Focuses on practical skills • Compelling classes • Great instructor

Some of the information is dated

Looking for a course that caters specifically to your small or local business needs? This comprehensive class allows you to focus on the skills and best practices that will specifically help your business on a local level.

2020 Complete SEO Guide to Ranking Local Business Websites

Looking for a course that caters specifically to your small or local business needs? This comprehensive class allows you to focus on the skills and best practices that will specifically help your business on a local level.

  • Length of course:
    6.5 hours of on-demand video
  • Skills covered:
    Local SEO process, keyword research, building backlinks
  • Price:
    $94.99, but Udemy courses are frequently on sale

SEO best practices differ for small and local business owners and this expert-led course ensures you’ll get the proper skillset to help boost your specific niche.
Led by web design & SEO business coach at Portable Entrepreneur Christine Maisel, the 2020 Complete SEO Guide to Ranking Local Business Websites on Udemy was made specifically for small or local business owners who want to establish a local presence online rather than trying to capture a global audience. In the comprehensive course, you’ll learn how to conduct proper SEO auditing, how to use competition to your advantage, how to optimize your website, and the best ways to create a long-term SEO plan.
“Just started the course, seems really complete for entry level SEO masters. At the halfway point and I could not be happier, this is beyond any expectations I started the course with, excellent class and presentation,” says Udemy reviewer Joe Cardilino. 
Note that Udemy classes are frequently on sale, so be sure to check the price!