Network Marketing Training – How to Get 10x More Done With Outsourcing

Annetta Powell is a real estate investor and successful entrepreneur who understands how to manage a business. Here are Annetta Powell’s tips for massive success and how to get 10x more done without doing it yourself…
1. Delegate – One of the key ideas from this network marketing training is that you should learn how to let go of the minute tasks which you can actually let someone else perform for you. Analyze the tasks on hand ask yourself, “Is this an income producing activity?” Be ruthless of your time and delegate busy work to an assistant. Create a how to guide to help your assistant know what to do. Send a campaign schedule to your assistant so you can keep them accountable for doing the tasks.
2. System Equals Money – This network marketing training also highlighted that the key to maximize your time is by employing an efficient system where all your activities are grouped together accordingly. Cluster your activities because switching gears take time and energy. Group your tasks and stick with them. For example is the time when you make your calls. Block time to do this and do it consistently, COMMIT and FOLLOW THROUGH until you get it completed. Set your activities, schedule it and do it. Challenge yourself to get everything done.
3. Manage Time Efficiently – Managing time efficiently has always been a matter of debate on how you can really possibly do it. Being experienced on your career can easily flood you with all those tasks your mind can let you decide to do. But you can manage all those tasks easily if you know how lend yourself help. This is by putting yourself into autopilot. Do it yourself first and make it sure it works and then outsource.
Look at your business and find means on how you can do business automatically. Put a FAQ page on your website so you don’t spend time answering the same questions over and over again. Pick up the phone and call your leads. Leave a message and let them call you back.
4. Create a Campaign Schedule – This network marketing training highlights the need to create a campaign schedule. This involves making a systematic line up of activities in advance which will lead you to your goals without burning your head because of stress.
No matter what list or schedule you create and use, the important thing is to stick with it. Make one which you will find the easiest to understand, doesn’t take time to do or list, and one which you will be most comfortable with.
The network marketing training with Annetta Powell has been an eye opener for many about how you can speed up yourself into your goals ten times faster by outsourcing.